
Franchise Ownership Begins Here

If you looking for franchise opportunities in Minnesota, look no further.

Success Stories From Franchise Owners Like You

Discover how franchise ownership can create a simple and effective path to starting your own business and help you go farther faster. FranNet of Minnesota provides comprehensive consulting those who are interested in business ownership and franchise opportunities through a proven franchise consulting model and years of experience. Check our some of our inspiring stories courtesy of our corporate FranNet office.
Entrepreneur Story: Lee Sapata
Lee's story is inspiring and all to common for hard working executives. Lee wanted more than the corporate grind and was tired of being beholden to others.
 Courtesy of FranNet and FranNet Team
Entrepreneur Story: Chuck Richardson
 Chuck wanted to get off the road and travel less.
 Courtesy of FranNet and FranNet Team
Entrepreneur Story: Guy Vance 
Guy wanted to be home more, spend time with his family and have the luxury of watching his kids grow up.
 Courtesy of FranNet and FranNet Team

Any of this sound familiar?

Take our free franchise ownership assessment and start building your future today!
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